Weekly Assignment

weekly assignment for COMP 488

Assignment submission

  • Weekly assignments are due by the start of the next week’s class, unless a specific date is given to the contrary.
  • Submissions should normally be posted to the applicable week’s Trello board, unless otherwise stated.

Course weekly assignment will be updated during the semester.

Week 15 - 26th April 2019

  • Please complete your group’s final project report
    • suggested report length approximately 10 pages
  • Further details can be found in the following outline
  • Report must be submitted by 2.45pm on Friday 3rd May 2019
  • Please share with me a copy of your group’s final code. This may include the following options,
    • GitHub
    • Unity ID = ancientlives (ancientlives@gmail.com)

NB: Don’t forget to add details of each member’s contributions to the project, where applicable, in this report. If you prefer, you may submit an individual report for this contribution outline to nhayward@luc.edu

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 14 - 19th April 2019
  • N/A - Easter
Week 13 - 12th April 2019
  • Review this week’s notes and material, which includes the class notes and the following extra notes
  • Review this week’s bibliography recommendations
  • Review the code examples posted to the source repository on the course’s GitHub account,
  • Add the following details to the Week 13 - Final Plan board on the course’s Trello group
    • please add a brief plan and outline for your group’s remaining work
    • this should include any work that is planned towards your group’s final project presentation
      • this may include development, research, design, testing, and so on
    • please also include an outline of planned contribution from each group member
  • Please continue project design and development for the end of semester final presentation and report

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 12 - 5th April 2019
  • Review this week’s notes and material, which includes the class notes and the following extra notes
  • Review this week’s bibliography recommendations
  • Review the code examples posted to the source repository on the course’s GitHub account
  • Please continue design and development of your group’s project
    • this should include research and development in preparation for the Final Demo and Presentation

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 11 - 29th March 2019
  • Complete the following peer review forms individually for the DEV Week projects and presentations
  • Complete these peer review forms by Friday 5th April 2019 at the latest
    • please complete these forms individually, and NOT as a project group
    • do NOT complete a review for your own group
  • You may use the new Slack channel, #week10-peer-reviews, for posting any questions, comments, or other information regarding these peer reviews
  • Review this week’s notes and material, which includes the class notes and the following extra notes
  • Review this week’s bibliography recommendations
  • Review the code examples posted to the source repository on the course’s GitHub account,

n.b. if you have time this week, try to play a game designed by Will Wright.

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 10 - 22nd March 2019

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 9 - 15th March 2019

Presentations will be scheduled for the start of next week’s class, which begins at 2.45pm on Friday 22nd March 2019.

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 8 - 8th March 2019
  • N/A - Spring Break
Week 7 - 1st March 2019

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your Spring Break.

Week 6 - 22nd February 2019
  • Complete the following peer review forms individually for the DEV Week projects and presentations
  • Complete these peer review forms by Friday 1st March 2019 at the latest
    • please complete these forms individually, and NOT as a project group
    • do NOT complete a review for your own group
  • You may use the new Slack channel, #week5-peer-reviews, for posting any questions, comments, or other information regarding these peer reviews
  • Please add your presentation files, notes, &c. to the following board on Trello,
    • Week 5 - Presentation Files
    • Please add these files as soon as possible, and by Friday 1st March 2019 at the latest
    • instructions are included as a list on the above board
  • Complete the following Trello board,
    • Week 5 - Project Contributions
    • this board is important - it will help to establish member contributions for the project
    • please complete this requirement by Friday 1st March 2019 at the latest
  • Review this week’s notes and material, which includes the class notes and the following extra notes
  • Review this week’s bibliography recommendations
  • Review the code examples posted to the source repository on the course’s GitHub account,
  • Add the following details to the Week 6 - Character Patterns board on the course’s Trello group
    • consider your game’s characters, and define the following patterns
      • abstract objects and attributes for all of these characters
      • show developer pattern from abstract to specific character

n.b. if you have time this week, try to play a game designed by Peter Molyneux.

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 5 - 15th February 2019

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 4 - 9th February 2018

n.b. if you have time this week, try to play an example of Zork. Playable examples are listed in the links section.

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 3 - 1st February 2019
  • Review this week’s notes and material, which includes the class notes and the following extra notes
  • Review this week’s bibliography recommendations
  • Review the code examples posted to the source repository on the course’s GitHub account,
  • Add the following details to the Week 3 - Goals & Focus board on the course’s Trello group
    • outline and describe design and development goals for your game
      • how do these goals differ, for example, from your game’s defined player experience goals?
    • define the top five selling points for your game
      • e.g. imagine you’re trying to sell your game idea to investors and playtesters
      • how would you convince them it is a worthwhile game concept?

Further instructions are available on the Week 3 board.

n.b. if you have time this week, try to play a game designed by Shigeru Miyamoto.

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 2 - 25th January 2019

Further instructions are available on the above Week 2 board.

n.b. don’t forget to watch the Ted Pixar video and play one of the games listed in this week’s course notes,

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your week.

Week 1 - 18th January 2019
  • Review this week’s notes and material, which includes the class notes and the following extras notes,
  • please review the following tutorial video on Git usage,
    • Learn Git in 20 minutes - YouTube
  • Review this week’s bibliography recommendations
  • Add your initial Project details to the course’s Trello group, on the board Week 1 - Project Details
    • project name & game title
    • team members
    • any ideas you are currently considering for this game
    • preferred programming language for game development

Please read the instructions available on the board, and then create a new list for your project group.

Trello group

I’ve now created a Trello group for this course, which is available at the following URL,

I’ll send an invite to this group to each student’s LUC email address.

If you do not currently have a Trello username, you’ll need to register at the following URL,

Slack group

I’ve also created a Slack group for this course, which is called COMP 488.

I’ll send an invite to this group to each student’s LUC email address.

Please accept this invite as soon as possible. We shall be using Slack for class-wide communication, announcements, and discussions.
